Sunday, June 19, 2016

IGovern East (Generation Joshua)

Going to GenJ was really quite the experience and helped me grow and learn in not only politics but also in Christ. The trip was probably one of the more crazy parts of going to the camp. I had to fly from Vegas to Denver and then to Dulles airport. I got in a little late because of delays and got to meet some of the other campers that had also had late flights. When we got to the camp chapel had just a few minutes left so we got to sing the last worship song and then we got registered then I went to my wing chapel I can't really speak for anyone else. So we had our wing chapel then talked and went to sleep around 11pm which felt like 8pm for me. The next morning my roommate and I woke up and cleaned our dorm (which to me and him it looked good) then we went to breakfast with our counselor. I also learned then that we had 175,000$ to last the week. With meals costing 10,000 and then starting at 5,000 for room and bathroom cleaning going up however much they thought was wrong. My roommate and I learned quick  we had to dust as well as work without wing to clean the bathroom so that we could make it trough the week. The first day started quickly right after breakfast and morning devotions with, Igovern 101 and then party meetings, (the campers are split into two parties gold and blue) then we had a speaker and lunch. After lunch we had our first legislative meeting and free time the legislative meeting forme was kinda crazy because I was in the house which is way bigger than the senate. While the free time was dodgeball which is always fun. They seperated us into two groups Blue team and Gold team, then further seperated us boys and girls. The Blue team boys lost but the Blue Girls whooped up on Gold Girls. Then there were two other matches but I left before those started because me and some friends wanted to explore the camp some more. The we went to dinner and later chapel and wing chapel and then bed. The next day went about the same only less free time and a comitee meeting and the Gala. Now Gala is pronounced several ways but the ways I heard it mostly was gay-luh and gal-ah. Now the Gala was my saving grace because that was how we made money it was basically you dress up and then go talk to lobbyists who give you money for talking to them and writing bills for them and I was able to make enough money to last the rest of the week even if it wasn't the most. The next day was the field trip to DC which was very awesome and fun to me. We first went to the heritage foundation and got to listen and ask several congressmen senators and other important people questions it was very informing and cool. Then we went to Capitol Hill and watched part of a Filibuster (when a senator holds the floor for an extended amount of time to delay something) and then toured this museum area. Then almost missing the busses went back to Patrick Henry and ate dinner then went to chapel and wing chapel. During dinner I got a package from my mom and dad which contained cookies. When you get a letter package or anything in the mail the director makes you go up to him and dance with everyone else who got one doing something like the I'm a little teacup dance which isn't the worst thing in the world. The next day we had our primaries for the election and had my favorite Chapel of the week. The camp theme as Fear and the guy who talked had a lot in common with me and was easy to relate to. The next day we had a crazy storm with a tornado and then next day was the last day and we had the election that the blue party Won cause we are awesome. Then we had a talent show with lots of cool stuff. Overall the camp was fun and awesome I am really glad I was able to go and make friends. While also learning about politics and Growing in Christ.

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