Monday, September 30, 2013

Chicken Update

Last time I talked about the chickens I had 4 ducks and 12 chickens. Well now we are down to 7 hens and 1 rooster, but no ducks 3 of which died the other one flew away. The chickens have also been laying eggs, at first just 2 a day now they lay, anywhere from 4 to 6 a day. The rooster is also becoming more aggressive hitting us with his wings and sometimes scratching with his claws. To protect the hens from us which is kind of funny because we dont want the hens. If I could I would tell him but,  I don't speak chicken.

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  1. Nice job, Donald. I wish we lived closer so that we could get some eggs ;)

    Love you,

    Auntie Lizzy and Uncle Chris

  2. Don't you wish the ducks had stayed? They don't scratch! And their language is easier: quack!

  3. Mmmm! I like fresh eggs. I bet you are finding lots of new ways to use eggs. :)
    Btw I love your blog!

    Lul aunt Erin
